Friday 11 November 2016


The IBER course has helped me to know how to develop and prepare appealing radio programmes on business environment issues. After attending the programme, I realized that when making radio programmes on agribusiness, I must look for people who are associated with it; farmers, partners, professionals and government leaders, to ensure that I balance the story. The IBER course has also helped me to understand the regulations, property rights and legal environment and to simplify them according to the type of audience. I understand the basics of private sector advocacy and dialogue. In preparing investigative stories, I must use the data and evidence from the field because they will help me to make issues visible to the public and policy makers. Indeed, I gained more skills for conducting an interview and how to control it.

I learned how to make a better documentary, which enabled me to change other programme structures. I know how to report a story in an analytical way through 5W’s and H plus another W. I gained more skills for making a programme and a documentary through providing a programme plan, research, and writing a report. I have managed to make better radio programmes than the ones I made before receiving SAUT training. I understand how to see an opportunity and how to turn an idea into a business. The programme has helped me to develop an action plan for preparing agribusiness programmes. In addition to using radio as the source of communication, I found I can use Mobile Agricultural School & Service (MASS) to reach farmers. Finally, I learned that after seeing whether a certain story is worth investigating, I have to ask myself, “What is the public interest in it?”

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